Friday, August 29, 2008

High Style Please Knees

Good news for glamour pusses: high heels may actually be good for your knees. More than two per cent of people aged over 55 suffer pain as a result of knee osteoarthritis. But researchers at Oxford Brookes University in England wondered why twice as many women as man over 65 were effected. They suspected high heel might be to blame. However,a survey of 111 womwn found those who had regularly worn 7.5 cm heels were more likely to have healthy knees- particularly if they'd danced in heels. Being overweight before 40, heavy smoking and previous knee injury were far more likely to increase the risk of knee osteoarthritis.
( Source : Reader's Digest June 2004 )



Many of us take supplements, but we're not always doing it right. According to a US study, people with a high cholesterol, for example, were much more likely to take vitamin E than those without the disease. Yet this nutrient hasn't been proved to reduce cholestrol; it may even interfere with other treatment.

On the other hand, woman who suffer a fracture due to osteoporosis aren't any more likely to take calcium suppliment than healthy women, even through much recearch shows calcium helps. Vitamin information seems to change weekly, so talk to your doctor before taking supplement.

( Source : Reader's Digest June 2004 )

Lose Weight With Fibre

Eat less, feel fuller?
That's one benefit of high fibre diet. Weight lose is another. Research at Tufts University reviewed data on fibre and found that people who ate an extra 14 grams of fibre daily cut their kilojoule intake by about 10 per cent. Those who added 12 grams lost about half a kilo per month.
Fibre can help with weight loss because it increase the sensation of fullness and influences the hornones that regulate food intake. The America Heart Association recommends that adults get 25 to 30 grams of fibre daily. Fill up on fibre with salad, fruit, beans and nuts.

( Source : Reader's Digest August 2003 )

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Keeping your Feet Happy

The wrong shoes can create back problems, leg pains, knee problems and toe deformities. Buy the right ones instead. Here are some guardline to you :-
  • Foodwear should have plenty of room for the toes.
  • Woman should avoid wearing pointy-toed shoes.
  • There should be one thumbnail-width from the end of the shoe to the longest toe while standing.
  • Your feet tend to swell during the day, so it's best to try to buy shoes in the evening

( Source : Reader's Digest August 2003 )

Speeding Up a Sluggish Computer

Here are some tips to take before spending money on coastly upgrade :-

  • Empty the trash. It can make space freed up.
  • Restart your computer. Restarting can adjust this poblems.
  • Fix fragmented files.
  • Purge old e-mail files. Reduce this backup file to free up hard-drive space.
  • Switch off start-ups. You are better off turning and call your computer's tech-support line for help locating these "extension"

( Source : Reader's Digest August 2003 )

Should You Starve a Fever???

What is a fever??
Fever is the body normal reaction to certain illnesses an usually a bacteria or viral infection. A fever is a sympton of an another problem. Low grade fevers don't need special attention, but high-grade fevers above 38.4 degrees should be tread.
Acetaminophen or paracetamol will usually ease a fever. A cool, moist cloth can be applied directly to the skin, but don't use ice.
As for starving a fever, Lavin-Simangan says it's bad advice. Good nutrition helps the body fight off the virus or infection.

( Source : Reader's Digest August 2003 )

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What makes a good power point presentation???

  • Use the simple words
  • Make it intresting with the picture
  • Use the suitable fonts and the size
  • Use the simple background
  • Use the suitable colour of background
  • Have the intresting attension gether
  • The slide can be seen clearly
  • Don't write too much word in a slide
  • Don't make the slide so complicated
  • Have a good content and conclusion

What makes a good presenter ???

  • Eye contect to the audient
  • Speak with clearly and loudly as you can
  • Don't speak too fast and slow
  • Use body contact
  • Don't stop your speeh when make a mistake and say 'Ooopppsss'
  • Make the preparation
  • Be confident
  • Be yourself
  • Dont show the back to the audient
  • Know the condition of places and the audientKnow the topics will be present
  • Know the goal of your presentation

Friday, August 22, 2008


Stress??Do you know that, the stress have 2 catagories.That are good and bad.
How do you tell good stress from bad???
- Stress that's good
* Facing something with enough excitement to override any fears.
* Having a filled-to-the-brim schedule that still contains several activities
that you look forward to and enjoy doing.
* Having more commitments like marriage.
* Working towards a valued goal and knowing that life will slow down once you
achieve it.
* Feeling challenged and alert-primed to tackle the task at hand.
* Being tired enough to get restful, deep sleep.

- Stress that's bad
* Facing something with a mixture of dread, worry and anxiety.
* Having an overloaded schedule stuffed with obligation that you don't enjoy
and wouldn't fulfil if you had a choice.
* Feeling that what you do is unimportant, unfulfilling and not worth the effort
and time.
* Feeling out of control and over whelmed, with no end in sight and no help on
the horizone.
* Wainting to stay in the all time rather than take a stab at getting through the
* Having restless sleep, ulcers, back pain or recurrent illnesses.

( Source : Reader's Digest August 2008 )

Threat carefully

You have got a lot of riding on them, so make sure your tyres are in good shape. Proper maintanance will keep you safe by improving vehicle handling and helping you avoid flats and blowouts. And properly inflated tyres improve fuel efficiency ang prolong the life of the tires.
Here are some tips to keep tyres in great driving conditions :

  1. Check tyre inflation and pressure at least once a month and test when tyres are cold.
  2. Use tread wear indicator (markers of the minimum-allowable tread depth) as guides.
  3. Replace tyres that have bulges, blisters, cracks, slits or cuts-all sign of wear.
  4. Have tyres balanced and realigned yearly

( Source : Reder's Digest August 2008 )

smart tips

10 smart tips for eating well without having to diet :-

  1. Eat for pleasure and good health,not for weight loss.
  2. start the day with oats and you won't be hunggry for hours.
  3. Eat more fish,chicken,vegetables and salad, and less red meat, pasta,pastry and potatoes.
  4. Use a plastic squeezy bottle for olive oil and saurces- it helps you use less.
  5. Use youghurt instead of cream.
  6. Snack on fruit and nuts instead of chocolate and crips.
  7. Steam instead of grill, grill instead of roast, roast instead of fry,shallow-fry instead of deep-fry.
  8. Eat carb like pasta and potatoes for lunch instead of in the evening.
  9. Drink better, drink less, and drink only with the evening meal.
  10. If you really want something, enjoy it without guilt, then lighten up the next day.

( Source : Reader's Digest August 2008 )

Sunday, August 17, 2008


how to make a healthier BBQ???

Cooking meat over an open flame creates chemical long suspected of increasing cancer risk. According to the research,eating barbequed red meat may raise the risk of prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in woman.
Here are the tips to make healtier BBQ :-

  • Scrape off any charred portions, which contain many of chemicals.
  • Keep the temperature lower to reduce smoke and flame that reach the food and raise the barbeque racks.
  • Flip with tongs or spatula-a fork pierces food, releasing juice and fat that lead to flare-ups.
  • Choose skinless chicken and fish. They don't appear to raise cancer risk.
  • Microwave meat before barbeque to reduce time over the charcoal.
  • Make kebab's with fruits and vegetables. Which don't form harmful chemicals when flame-cooked

( Sorce : Reader's Digest August 2008 )