Sunday, August 17, 2008


how to make a healthier BBQ???

Cooking meat over an open flame creates chemical long suspected of increasing cancer risk. According to the research,eating barbequed red meat may raise the risk of prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in woman.
Here are the tips to make healtier BBQ :-

  • Scrape off any charred portions, which contain many of chemicals.
  • Keep the temperature lower to reduce smoke and flame that reach the food and raise the barbeque racks.
  • Flip with tongs or spatula-a fork pierces food, releasing juice and fat that lead to flare-ups.
  • Choose skinless chicken and fish. They don't appear to raise cancer risk.
  • Microwave meat before barbeque to reduce time over the charcoal.
  • Make kebab's with fruits and vegetables. Which don't form harmful chemicals when flame-cooked

( Sorce : Reader's Digest August 2008 )

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